Column arithmetic and creation

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Doing some sort of transformation on the columns of a dataframe will most likely come up in your analysis somewhere and it’s not always straightforward.

Let’s welcome back the cereal.csv data we have been working with.

cereal = pd.read_csv('cereal.csv')
name mfr type calories protein fat sodium ... sugars potass vitamins shelf weight cups rating
0 100% Bran N Cold 70 4 1 130 ... 6 280 25 3 1.0 0.33 68.402973
1 100% Natural Bran Q Cold 120 3 5 15 ... 8 135 0 3 1.0 1.00 33.983679
2 All-Bran K Cold 70 4 1 260 ... 5 320 25 3 1.0 0.33 59.425505
3 All-Bran with Extra Fiber K Cold 50 4 0 140 ... 0 330 25 3 1.0 0.50 93.704912
4 Almond Delight R Cold 110 2 2 200 ... 8 1 25 3 1.0 0.75 34.384843

5 rows × 16 columns

80 Cereals” (c) by Chris Crawford is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

To make things especially clear, for the next few scenarios let’s only use the first 5 rows of the dataset.

cereal= cereal.iloc[:5]
name mfr type calories protein fat sodium ... sugars potass vitamins shelf weight cups rating
0 100% Bran N Cold 70 4 1 130 ... 6 280 25 3 1.0 0.33 68.402973
1 100% Natural Bran Q Cold 120 3 5 15 ... 8 135 0 3 1.0 1.00 33.983679
2 All-Bran K Cold 70 4 1 260 ... 5 320 25 3 1.0 0.33 59.425505
3 All-Bran with Extra Fiber K Cold 50 4 0 140 ... 0 330 25 3 1.0 0.50 93.704912
4 Almond Delight R Cold 110 2 2 200 ... 8 1 25 3 1.0 0.75 34.384843

5 rows × 16 columns

Take this next scenario.

Perhaps we recently read the cereal data’s documentation explaining that the fat column is being expressed as grams and we are interested in milligrams.

How can we rectify this?

We need to multiply each of the row’s fat values by 1000.

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Here is where some magic happens.

Python doesn’t require us to make a whole column filled with 1000s to get the result we want.

It simply multiplies each value by 1000. (In Python we use * for multiplication.)

So our original fat column in the cereal dataframe is transformed from this:

0    1
1    5
2    1
3    0
4    2
Name: fat, dtype: int64

To this:

cereal['fat'] * 1000
0    1000
1    5000
2    1000
3       0
4    2000
Name: fat, dtype: int64

See how each value has changed?

Note that when we do any type of operations on columns, we use single square brackets.

We can do the same thing with most operations. Let’s divide the rating of each cereal by 10 so that it lies on a 10 point scale.

0    68.402973
1    33.983679
2    59.425505
3    93.704912
4    34.384843
Name: rating, dtype: float64

The ratings column gets transformed to single digits instead of double digits now.

cereal['rating'] / 10
0    6.840297
1    3.398368
2    5.942551
3    9.370491
4    3.438484
Name: rating, dtype: float64

Every row’s value is changed by the operation.

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We are not limited to simply taking a column and transforming it by a single number, say by multiplying or dividing.

We can do operations involving multiple columns as well. Perhaps we wanted to know the amount of sugar (sugar) per cup of cereal (cups).

The expected result would look something like this diagram.

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To get our desired output of sugar content per cup our code looks like this.

cereal['sugars'] / cereal['cups']
0    18.181818
1     8.000000
2    15.151515
3     0.000000
4    10.666667
dtype: float64

Remember that with any column operation we use only single square brackets on our columns.

Each sugar row value is divided by its corresponding cups value.

Just to stress the point of why we use single square brackets for our operations, here is what happens when we use double square brackets.

cereal[['sugars']] / cereal[['cups']]
cups sugars
0 NaN NaN
1 NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN
4 NaN NaN

This doesn’t appear very useful.

Column Creation

Up until now, all of these operations have been done without being added to our cereal dataframe.

Let’s explore how we can add new columns to a less detailed version of our cereal dataframe.

We’ll be working with a smaller dataframe containing only a few columns columns so that it’s easier to follow the examples.

cereal = pd.read_csv('cereal.csv', usecols=['name', 'mfr','type', 'fat', 'sugars', 'weight', 'cups','rating'])
name mfr type fat sugars weight cups rating
0 100% Bran N Cold 1 6 1.0 0.33 68.402973
1 100% Natural Bran Q Cold 5 8 1.0 1.00 33.983679
2 All-Bran K Cold 1 5 1.0 0.33 59.425505
3 All-Bran with Extra Fiber K Cold 0 0 1.0 0.50 93.704912
4 Almond Delight R Cold 2 8 1.0 0.75 34.384843
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
72 Triples G Cold 1 3 1.0 0.75 39.106174
73 Trix G Cold 1 12 1.0 1.00 27.753301
74 Wheat Chex R Cold 1 3 1.0 0.67 49.787445
75 Wheaties G Cold 1 3 1.0 1.00 51.592193
76 Wheaties Honey Gold G Cold 1 8 1.0 0.75 36.187559

77 rows × 8 columns

In the next scenario, we have decided that our weight column should show the weight of each cereal in grams instead of ounces.

We are going to save the conversion factor of grams to ounces in an object named oz_to_g.

Let’s start with just the operation for this.

oz_to_g = 28.3495
cereal['weight'] * oz_to_g
0     28.3495
1     28.3495
2     28.3495
3     28.3495
4     28.3495
72    28.3495
73    28.3495
74    28.3495
75    28.3495
76    28.3495
Name: weight, Length: 77, dtype: float64

Next, we combine our operation with the implementation of adding it as a new column to the dataframe. The verb .assign() allows us to specify a column name to our result using an equal sign =.

We are going to name our new column weight_g (for grams).

Just like we did earlier in the module, we need to save the dataframe to an object when making changes involving columns. This will permanently save the column weight_g to the dataframe cereal.

cereal = cereal.assign(weight_g=cereal['weight'] * oz_to_g)
name mfr type fat sugars weight cups rating weight_g
0 100% Bran N Cold 1 6 1.0 0.33 68.402973 28.3495
1 100% Natural Bran Q Cold 5 8 1.0 1.00 33.983679 28.3495
2 All-Bran K Cold 1 5 1.0 0.33 59.425505 28.3495
3 All-Bran with Extra Fiber K Cold 0 0 1.0 0.50 93.704912 28.3495
4 Almond Delight R Cold 2 8 1.0 0.75 34.384843 28.3495

Let’s try another example.

This time we want to save our sugar content per cereal cup as a column in our existing dataframe.

Here, you can see the operation by itself, just for teaching purposes.

cereal['sugars'] / cereal['cups']
0     18.181818
1      8.000000
2     15.151515
3      0.000000
4     10.666667
72     4.000000
73    12.000000
74     4.477612
75     3.000000
76    10.666667
Length: 77, dtype: float64

Below, we combine our calculation with assign(), naming the column sugar_per_cup.

cereal = cereal.assign(sugar_per_cup=cereal['sugars'] / cereal['cups'])
name mfr type fat sugars weight cups rating weight_g sugar_per_cup
0 100% Bran N Cold 1 6 1.0 0.33 68.402973 28.3495 18.181818
1 100% Natural Bran Q Cold 5 8 1.0 1.00 33.983679 28.3495 8.000000
2 All-Bran K Cold 1 5 1.0 0.33 59.425505 28.3495 15.151515
3 All-Bran with Extra Fiber K Cold 0 0 1.0 0.50 93.704912 28.3495 0.000000
4 Almond Delight R Cold 2 8 1.0 0.75 34.384843 28.3495 10.666667

Let’s apply what we learned!

1. What is the result if we multiply 2 columns together using the syntax

df[['Column_A']] * df[['Column_B']]

a) A new column in our dataframe with each column value multiplied together for each row.
b) A single column with each column value multiplied together for each row.
c) A dataframe containing 2 new columns with NaN values.

2. What is the correct syntax to multiply Column_A and Column_B from dataframe df and save it as a new column named new_column?
a) df = df.assign('new_column'=df['Column_A'] * df['Column_B'])
b) df = df.assign(new_column=df['Column_A'] * df['Column_B'])
c) df = df.assign[new_column=df('Column_A') * df('Column_B')]